Saturday, May 14, 2011

There are several ways to watch out for the success of exclusive breastfeeding

Every new mothers would want the best for her baby, including breastfeeding a lot. There are several ways to watch out for the success of exclusive breastfeeding.

All issues including physical, mental and emotional can affect milk production, therefore not rare to find women who can not breast feed their infants exclusively on breast milk from a small amount.

By learning to recognize the level of comfort and a good plan can help the process of breast-feeding easier. There are several things to consider for successful breast feeding your baby, as quoted from Lifemojo, Friday (13/05/2011), namely:

1. The position of the baby during breastfeeding is very important
Make sure your baby comfortable and precise position of mother and baby. This condition will ensure that the baby can suck from the breast milk easily. If the baby was in an uncomfortable position and he shall not enjoy the process that makes it refuses breast milk and may decrease milk production.

2. Breastfeed as often as possible
Babies will not receive nutrition other than breast milk, therefore try to breastfeed as often as possible and he will stop when it feels full. The more the baby sucks the more milk produced.

3. Eating nutritious food
Increase consumption of fresh fruits, nutritious food, milk and containing plenty of fluids can help the process of lactation.

4. Learning to relax
Stress can cause a decrease in milk production, because it remains relaxed is important when breastfeeding. Can be a way to isolate yourself in a quiet room and calm and avoid breastfeeding while watching television or a room with people screaming and noise.

5. Rest is very important for mothers
Mothers who breastfeed also need adequate rest, as fatigue will affect milk production. Nothing wrong to take a nap when your baby taking a nap. Another advantage of adequate rest is to help rejuvenate the body's internal organs.

6. Avoid smoking and secondhand smoke
Cigarettes could adversely affect lactation milk production is lower. And toxins and nicotine contained in cigarettes can enter through the blood and will affect the breast milk produced.

7. If a baby refuses to suckle, use the breast pump help
Use a pump to remove the breast to allow your body to produce more milk, then put the milk in a bottle and store in refrigerator. When you wish to be given to the baby using a spoon or cup to avoid nipple confusion condition.

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