Thursday, May 12, 2011

Lemon Make Body Slim ?

Not a few people thought to have a slim body diet should limit eating or super tight. Though there are some foods that can trigger the body's metabolism working, so avoid the pile of fat.

Accelerating the metabolic system is one surefire way to lose weight and maintain the body stay slim. Not just enough to exercise regularly, but also some proper nutritional foods can speed up your metabolism.

As reviewed megic magic, system metabolism and calorie burning process is a major factor affecting body weight. The higher the metabolism, the faster food is digested and result in more calories burned and not a pile of fat.

Metabolism is the process of the body that convert food and beverages you eat into energy. During a complex biochemical process, calories in foods and beverages that are combined with oxygen to release energy required untukmemelihara bodily functions.

There are some proper nutrition that can help accelerate the body's metabolic system.

All protein foods help increase metabolic rate. Eggs are the best protein foods that help increase metabolism. However, it should be noted that egg yolks are high in fat, so just eat egg whites only. Albumin in egg white to help build lean body mass also helps burn fat.

Green tea
Green tea contains powerful flavonoids and antioxidants, helps protect the body against heart disease, stroke and cancer. A study conducted at the University of Geneva found that green tea contains catechin polyphenols, which can increase your metabolism as much as 4%.

"A glass of caffeinated beverages such as tea or coffee can increase basal metabolic rate of about 5 -10% for two hours," said Dr Nicola Lowe, senior lecturer of nutrition at the University of Central Lancashire. According to him, caffeine as a stimulant that can increase the activity of nerves and create a more active body movements. Caffeine also change the fuel consumption, so the body burns more fat for energy instead of glucose.

Almonds contain essential fatty acids and fiber. Not only increase metabolism but also satisfy the appetite and cut off the desire to overeat, so that both promote weight loss.

Yogurt is formed with probiotic cultures, which is healthy for the bacteria in the gut. This not only helps better digestion, but also accelerate the body's metabolism. Yogurt is formed from low-fat milk and milk protein quality, so good for weight loss.

Lemon Cnya high vitamin content, which act as antioxidants in the body. Lemon powerful cleanser for the liver. Liver is responsible for processing fat and support a good digestive system to increase metabolic activity.

Cold water
A recent study conducted by a group of German researchers suggest that, drinking cold water can increase metabolism as much as 24% within 90 minutes.

Spinach is rich in iron, potassium and magnesium. Spinach also has good antioxidant properties. Not only assist in removing the free radicals produced in the body, but also helps repair damaged muscle tissue. Spinach is rich in fiber and can also increase your metabolism and assist in the process of weight loss.

Whole wheat flour
Intact whole wheat flour is the perfect source for complex carbohydrates and fiber. Can help increase the metabolic rate is good for weight loss.

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