Monday, May 16, 2011

Stegodyphus, spider eaters Parent Bladder

For many animal species, including spiders, mating is a sign that their lives will soon end. Especially for Stegodyphus spider species, becoming a mother is an action far more than just keep the nest and feed their children.

Quoted Little Mysteries of Life, May 9, 2011, Stegodyphus female spider egg cocoons placed in a spider's web. He then guard the eggs until the babies hatch.

After hatching, the female spider continues to search for food. But most of the food that he ate dimutnahkan back to a full meal nutrition for their children when they were little and living in a spider's web mother.

This is done by holding the spider until about one month old son.

After a month went by, holding the spider will then lie on your back. The goal is that children can climb the spider body and killed him.

Children spider climbed up the body then then kill its mother. How, they menyuntukkan poison and digestive enzymes into the mother's body and then eat it.

After they ate their mothers, their children and then turned to each other to eat each other. They eat as much as possible before leaving their brother cobwebs deceased mother's property.

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