Monday, May 16, 2011

Monalisa Tomb Found

Women who became the model of painting the Mona Lisa is still a mystery. However, some scientists claimed to have found the resting place of women with that charming smile.

Excerpted from the pages of The Telegraph, is Professor Silvano Vinceti who led the hunt for the tomb of Lisa Gherardini Del Giocondo, the woman who is widely believed as the mysterious woman behind the 500-year-old painting, the Mona Lisa.

The team then found the tomb in the crypt at the Monastery of Santa Ursula Florence after a two-week search by using georadar, ancient map, and a number of documents. Silvano said his team found two tombs, where the one older than the other. "We believe, one of which is the tomb of Lisa Gherardini," said Silvano.

But this team still has to work a few more days to actually reach the tomb and examine the bones in it. So far, the new leadership team found a number of pottery and old bones. However, finding the most sought after in the underground monastery who had neglected it.

Also involved in this excavation, Gucciardini Natalia Strozzi, one of the descendants of Gherardini. Initially, he opposed an all-out digging for ancestors can rest in peace. However, now he supports what the team Silvano.

"Originally, this excavation scary, but now I'm fascinated. It is interesting to know this is the resting place of my ancestors," he said.

Gheradini Lisa is the wife of a silk merchant named Francesco del Giocondo. Lisa later died in 1542. In Italy alone, the Mona Lisa is also known by the name of '"La Gioconda".

The purpose of this excavation is to find the bodies of 'Mona Lisa' and then compare its DNA with the two children were buried in the Church of Santissima Annunziata, Florence. The final stage, to reconstruct the face of the body to then be compared with the Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci.

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