Monday, May 16, 2011

Rare dragonfly Desert Appears in UK

hot virgin that hit the UK apparently carry 'passengers' are not expected before. In the town of Penryn, in southern England found a number of rare dragonflies who generally live in a hot desert region.

Vagrant Emperor dragonfly named it generally breed in the Sahara desert. Possibly, he was blown so far, up to more than 3000 kilometers by wind gusts of strong storms that occurred in the desert.

Dragonfly larvae also managed to grow rapidly and the appearance of brown flying insects that attract attention. One reason, as quoted by the Falmouth Packet, May 2, 2011, in the same period, the original British dragonflies have not grown up.

Before this, the Emperor is the only dragonfly species found in Iceland and have been known to cross the Atlantic Ocean and reach the Caribbean islands.

Mentioned, a dragonfly is resting deserts found in the area of
​​Penryn on 16 April. The appearance of a Vagrant Emperor also happened the day before in the area of ​​Plymouth, about 73 kilometers from Penryn. But when the dragonflies found in the male sex.

Dragonfly males and females of the species has a brown color. Males can be distinguished by the bright blue section near the berut, right on the side of both wing

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