Thursday, May 26, 2011

Brighten Skin With Tomatoes

You might wonder, why should go to the kitchen to brighten the face, why not go to a beauty clinic or to the supermarket alone?

The answer is simple, in your home kitchen stored natural wealth that can be utilized to treat facial and body beauty, including brighten the skin. You are certainly familiar with my tomatoes? Fruit adorable that rosy when it's ripe, distinctive odor and taste, slightly sour but delicious eaten raw or as a spice in the kitchen and salad. Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is a plant originating from Central America and South America. Grow potatoes is a close family, a short life cycle. Between 1-3 meters tall, with leaves and stems of leaves which have fine hairs and yellow flowers.

According to the USDA in 100 grams of tomatoes, the largest content in it is 17% vitamin A and vitamin C 21%, the rest is fiber, protein, calories, sugar, calcium and iron. The content of vitamin C that this was brought more benefits to the body. In addition to maintaining the body's immune system, vitamin C also can act as a skin-lightening agent. Not satisfied just there, still there are some benefits of tomatoes are discussed below.

Shrink pores

It is not capable of tomatoes shrink pores instantly, but he can cleanse the pores which bring dirt and replace it with beneficial nutrients. When the pores are not carrying debris, automatic pore size will shrink. The face also looks more smooth and soft.


1. Combine tomato paste with 1 tablespoon lemon juice, add 1 tsp sugar and then massage the face gently. Be careful, because if DiMassage too hard, sugar can injure the skin.

2. Let stand for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water and end with cold water.

Help cure acne

Who was conceived by the tomato acid capable of accelerating the healing of acne. Vitamin A and C also will treat acne scars, moisturize skin, as well as brighten the skin.


1. Maskering tomato-paste, spread them evenly across the face and let sit for 1 hour.

2. Rinse with warm water and end with cold water.

By doing this step at least 2 times a week, acne will heal faster.

Skin for a brighter shine

Using a cream / lotion bleach, you will not get a clear skin glowing naturally. And at a certain time, your skin will look dull again. However, tomatoes will make your skin look naturally shine brightly every day. Enough to eat and wear as a mask.

If beauty can be obtained without expensive way, why should be delayed again?

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