Saturday, May 14, 2011

Physical Characteristics of People who Never Sports

Sport can be a difficult thing to do by society, the reason most often expressed is not having time to do it. Then what kind of physical characteristics of people who never exercise?

Most people probably already know the importance of doing exercise or physical activity for the body, which can reduce the risk of certain diseases and make him look fit and fresh.

When exercising your body and moves the heart rate will increase which makes the blood flow, oxygen and nutrients evenly distributed, so that the organs in the body can function optimally. In addition, exercise is also good to get rid of excess fat that has accumulated in some parts of the body.

But that does not mean that all people want to do exercise regularly, because many of the reasons given for not exercising person.

Physical characteristics that exist in people who never exercise, as quoted from, Friday (5/13/2011) such as:
1. The occurrence of fat accumulation in some areas of the body, especially in the abdomen, arms and thighs
2. The body does not look tight, but it looks like a soft or sagged due to excess fat
3. The face looks tired and less enthusiastic every day
4. Often complain sleepy in the morning
5. Easily tired or breath became gasps when I had to walk long distances or up and down stairs
6. Often experience problems such as muscle cramps or stiff due to lack of elasticity and flexibility of muscles

Impacts arising from never exercising not only physical, but also affect overall body condition. As part of the nervous system-specific section will have constant pressure throughout the day that can trigger pain and tingling, as well as lymphatic fluid that can not be properly distributed to various body tissues.

This condition will affect a person's immune system which makes it susceptible to disease, especially during flu season, and also lead to sleep disorders.

Therefore if you want to have a beautiful body shape, muscle is tight and the face that is always fresh, try to always make themselves available to exercise or perform other physical activities.

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