Monday, June 13, 2011

5 Secrets Healthy Behind Sweetness Chocolate

During this time you may always try to avoid the consumption of chocolate for fear of weight gain. But in fact, behind the taste is delicious, chocolate actually provides many benefits both for the body. Here are six reasons why chocolate good for health, as quoted by Beliefnet.

1. Lowering cholesterol levels
A study in Japan showed that drinking chocolate ingredients, natural cocoa beans can improve your koleksterol level. People who drink chocolate twice a day for several weeks can lower bad cholesterol (LDL) cholesterol and increase the bail (HDL).

2. Lowering blood pressure
A study in 2007 in Germany revealed that eating a quarter ounce of dark chocolate or dark chocolate every day for 18 weeks can reduce systolic and diastolic blood pressure without weight meningkatkn. Recently, scientists at Yale University also reported that eating one chocolate bar of dark chocolate or two cups of cocoa powder can reduce blood pressure and improve blood vessel function in adults who have problems of overweight.

3. Improving blood circulation
Ate about 1.5 ounces of dark chocolate every day for two weeks it could increase blood flow to the heart, according to a 2009 study by researchers from Japan. When you receive a lot of heart blood flow, perhaps you are not exposed to the risk of chest pain or heart attack.

4. Sharpens the brain
Fish is not the only foods that can improve the quality of the brain.A study in 2009 in Norway, revealed that people who eat one to three ounces of chocolate each day have a good result on cognitive tests than those without.

5. Good for the skin
Body made of cocoa butter is the best moisturizer, but eating chocolate also have a positive impact on your skin. In 2006, a German study found that women who like to drink chocolate with high flavanol every day for two weeks, protected from UV rays and avoid the rough and dry skin.

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